Ludwig Accent Power Drum Set Reviews 5

Musicians Friend= 599.99. Ludwig Accent Power Custom power drum set. Natural blue finish.

The tom mounts, the finish is beautiful, i can just stare at it all day and never get tired of looking at this color and deepness of the natural finish.

The heads are a little week, but they are the factory issue Evans made heads. Ill def, switch them out sooner or later but for now they are fine.


Overall this is an awesome set. The toms have superb resonance with their iso-mount system along with a deep rich tone. The bass drum is what to be expected out of years of rock druming(Bonham) its a 22x16. The hardware is very tough and rugged feeling. The pedal isn't too bad its an 800 series with lots of adjusments. I am very impressed and i have been playing for 10 years now.

Derek rated this unit 5 on 2003-07-25.

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